Agriculture and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions occur due to agriculture’s effect in several ways, which has a worldwide impact on the environment. The leading gases produced by agricultural activities are methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide(N2O). These gases have a much greater potential to create a greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide (CO2). This study discusses the impact of various …

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Agricultural Impact on Green House Gas Emissions

Agriculture is an important sector when dealing with climatic changes as greenhouse gasses emissions account for a significant amount of concentration. Although modern agriculture is the outcome of experiences gained over decades of traditional farming practices, modern agricultural methods have made agriculture one of the significant contributors to global warming through a share of about …

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The Role of Renewable Energy in Reducing GHG Emissions

Energy demand is increasing rapidly in the world due to a lot of factors like industrialization, population growth. The primary energy source that fulfils this demand is conventional energy sources such as petroleum oil and coal. With the burning of lots of fossil fuels, substantial environmental pollution happens widely in the world, and the consequences …

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Airborne Wind Energy Technology

Wind energy is one of the energy resources that is used for generating electricity under the classification of renewable energy resources. Among the traditional technologies for generating electricity from renewable energy resources, a new class of wind energy harvested method has been launched under the name of Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWES). Under this new …

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Carbon Footprint Analysis: Promoting Sustainable Development

An overview of the carbon footprint analysis indicates a measure of sustainability in various countries. Their carbon footprint values, carbon emission in MtCO2, carbon per capita emissions used to identify their sustainability patterns by comparatively observing the world’s top rank countries, and their root causes. The greenhouse gas reduction has become a key concept in …

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