The hazard identification and risk analysis systems for marine environment

Shipping accidents are unforeseeable events that cause financial loss, property damage, marine environmental pollution, and the death or injury of people. Human error, technical failures, natural conditions, shipping factors, route conditions, and cargo-related factors are all factors that contribute to these incidents. When wildfires and bombings destroy the marine environment in a matter of minutes …

The hazard identification and risk analysis systems for marine environmentRead More

Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis system to minimize the Impacts of shipping on marine environment

Shipping has been a historic business in which safety has been a concern for hundreds of years. The MARPOL conventions were established in the 1970s in response to growing public concern about the destructive repercussions of marine pollution due to multiple oil tanker accidents. Hazard identification and risk analysis (HIRA) begins with the process design …

Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis system to minimize the Impacts of shipping on marine environmentRead More

Waste flow analysis in textile and apparel sector A case study of textile and apparel wet processing industries in Sri Lanka

Textile and the apparel sector in Sri Lanka, which contributes 10% to the country’s national GDP andemploys a workforce of 350,000, is one of the key industrial sectors. Though the sector is mostly selling to exportmarkets in the EU and the focus of sustainability is high, the sector’s waste generation is not clearly understood. Thisstudy …

Waste flow analysis in textile and apparel sector A case study of textile and apparel wet processing industries in Sri LankaRead More

Development of an organic fertilizer instant-cube with pest repellent efficacy (FERTIPEST)

Besides the conventional organic fertilizer production for agricultural purposes, an instant organic fertilizercube with pest repellent efficacy is designed. Optimization of the organic fertilizer absorbing time for the farming crop is achieved as a mixture of several ingredients. In this new method, organic fertilizer develops by using several food wastes and readily available plant leaves …

Development of an organic fertilizer instant-cube with pest repellent efficacy (FERTIPEST)Read More

Sri Lankan Mobile Broadband Future With 5G

Radio technologies have proven a rapid and multidirectional development with the launch of analog cellularsystems in the 1980s. From that point, digital wireless communication systems are consistently determined to satisfy the growing need of human beings. 5th Generation Mobile Network or simply 5G is the approaching revolution of mobile technology. The highlighting features and its …

Sri Lankan Mobile Broadband Future With 5GRead More